Thursday, February 16, 2023

                                           SPANISH   PRESNTATION (OAK INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL)

Me llamo emmanuel NWAWOLO.Tengo 12 años. Estoy aquí para presentar y hablar sobre el día español.

Cada año, el 12 de octubre es festivo en España para conmemorar el día, en 1492, en que Cristóbal Colón pisó por primera vez las Américas. El Día de la Hispanidad ( Día de la Hispanidad ) o Día Nacional ( Fiesta Nacional de España ) es un feriado nacional anual .

Patrulla Aguila - Bandera de España

La festividad generalmente está marcada por un desfile militar en la Plaza de Colón de Madrid al que asisten la Familia Real y miembros importantes del estado, incluido el Gobierno y la mayoría de los presidentes de las comunidades autónomas de España. También hay una exhibición de acrobacias aéreas a cargo de las Fuerzas Armadas Españolas.

Para la mayoría de las personas, la Fiesta Nacional de España es un día libre en el trabajo y una oportunidad para pasar un tiempo tranquilo en casa o en compañía de familiares y amigos. Muchas tiendas, bancos y oficinas están cerradas el 12 de octubre. Las gasolineras permanecen abiertas.

Dado que el Día de España cae en viernes este año, muchas familias se tomarán un largo descanso de fin de semana. Los de la ciudad se van a la playa y los de la playa se van al campo.

No obstante, el equipo de Drivalia seguirá estando disponible para ayudarle con sus necesidades de alquiler de coches en el aeropuerto de Alicante: estamos abiertos los 365 días del


Christopher Columbus’ discovery of the Americas significantly changed the continent and Europe, making Spain the first modern superpower and shaping the Americas’ ethnic, cultural, and political landscapes. Columbus’ first voyage to the New World began on the evening of August 3, 1492. He left the harbor of Palos de la Frontera with three ships: Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the Niña, with Christopher Columbus traveling on the first ship.

On October 12, 1492, the crew on the Pinta sighted land and informed Columbus. Then, Columbus and his men landed on an island and were received by the indigenous Arawak people. He later named the island San Salvador, though it was called Guanahani by the locals. He also referred to the indigenous people as Los Indios, creating a generalized term that will be used to describe the indigenous people of North, Central, and South America.

Columbus later continued his voyage, exploring northeast of Cuba and the northern coast of Hispaniola. In December of that year, Columbus founded the settlement of La Navidad in present-day Haiti and left 39 men there, after the permission of the local chief. On March 15, 1493, Columbus arrived in Spain with native prisoners. His discoveries were received with great celebration and quickly spread across Europe.

On September 24, 1493, Columbus set sail for the New World with 17 ships and about 1500 men. During this voyage, he encountered the islands of Dominica, Maria-Galante, Montserrat, Antigua, the Virgin Islands, and more. In November 1493, he returned to Hispaniola and established a temporary settlement in La Isabela, present-day Dominican Republic.

The Spanish settlers soon introduced the encomienda system, where indigenous people provided labor for the Spaniards in return for food, shelter, and protection. That, along with the introduction of European diseases and the exportation of enslaved locals, led to a drastic reduction in the indigenous population.

Columbus set sail again on May 30, 1498, locating the regions of modern-day Central and South America. In 1499, Columbus was accused of tyranny and corruption. He and his brother were arrested, shipped to Spain, and spent six weeks in jail. The Columbus brothers were later absolved of all charges by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella and got sponsored for their fourth voyage to the New World.

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